Dr. Tapio Kanninen

Dr. Tapio Kanninen is President of Global Crisis Information Network Inc. (GCIN), a non-profit organization fighting against catastrophic climate change by organizing interdisciplinary events, mobilizing people and disseminating information. He is also Co-Chair of the Project on Global Sustainability at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies at The City University of New York, where he also earned his PhD in political science. Previously, Tapio served at the UN among other positions as Chief of Policy Planning at the Department of Political Affairs and Head of Secretariat of Kofi Annan’s regional summits. He also worked for the UNEP-funded project establishing a global system of environmental statistics and at Finland’s Statistical Agency. In 2013, Tapio wrote a history of the Club of Rome in his book “Crisis of Global Sustainability”. Recently, he co-founded the Climate Leadership Council, an association of large Finnish corporations responding to threats of climate change and creating business opportunities for a carbon-free future.