María D. Maldonado

Maria D. Maldonado served at the United Nations for over three decades, including in senior positions dealing with issues such as Non-Self-Governing Territories in Africa and the Pacific, the monitoring of the Peace Agreements in Guatemala, and Secretariat support to the General Assembly. Currently in her retirement she is a Board Director in New Women New Yorkers, a non-profit organization that provides free training to immigrant women to empower them to get meaningful jobs, or pursue higher education, develop support and information networks and participate actively in their communities; and participates in campaigns organized by the City University of New York to assist immigrants seeking to obtain US citizenship. Has conducted study tours on international organizations for New York University and training workshops for NYU and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research for diplomats newly assigned to the UN. Her academic background is in Sociology, Law and Immigration Law (New School for Social Research, and the City University of New York School of Professional Studies).