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FOGGS Open Consultation Mondays #4: TBD
13 January, 2025 | Zoom
Past Events
Note - The list of past events is not exhaustive.
FOGGS Open Consultation Mondays #3: “Building a Culture of Peace at a Time of Global Turmoil”
9 December, 2024 | Zoom
According to the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO), 59 state-based conflicts were recorded in 2023, the highest number since the end of World War II. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza were the primary generators of the tens of thousands of combat-related deaths as well as the loss of innocent civilian lives, with still no end in sight as 2024 draws to a close. In parallel, inequality and insecurity about jobs and well-being, climate and diseases are on the rise, feeding a global wave of populist movements with authoritarian leanings. Xenophobic nationalism and shrinking civic space form part of that wave, with the Trump victory in the US elections likely to exacerbate the trend. Faced by these multiple attacks and threats to peace, the international community seems to be struggling to imagine an alternative to confrontation and violence as a way forward. The seeming incapacity of international organizations, particularly the United Nations, to provide effective solutions to these issues has also eroded commitment to multilateralism as a path to the resolution of global problems. Hence, the urgent question: How do we build a culture of peace under such conditions? In particular, how do we convince the world that peace is indeed a viable alternative? And how do we persuade parties on opposite sides of seemingly unbridgeable divides that it is possible to talk to one another to find common ground?
FOGGS Open Consultation Mondays #2: “Shifting geopolitics and its impact on global governance and the UN”
18 November, 2024 | Zoom
The recent BRICS+ Summit in Russia, the result of the US elections, the continuing wars in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere, rising tensions in the China-Taiwan Straits and the Korean Peninsula, climate change related-disasters and the inability to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for all, are some of the signs that point to an emerging new global geopolitical reality. How is all this expected to impact the management of the planet we share, its commons like the atmosphere/climate, biodiversity but also cyberspace/internet & AI, Outer Space, global finance and trade? How can shared risks such as climate change, pandemics, increasing indebtedness, mounting human insecurity, the danger of accidental or intentional nuclear catastrophe be addressed for the sake of present and future generations of humanity? And who is able, willing and legitimized to express the common good, the will of “the international community” and “international law” in an effective and legitimate way under the circumstances?
FOGGS Open Consultation Mondays #1: “Israel, the UN and Gaza”
4 November, 2024 | Zoom
This was the first in the series of FOGGS Open Consultation Mondays and focused on the Israel-Palestine conflict, which flared up again following the Hamas attack on southern Israel and the taking of hostages on 7 October 2023 and the subsequent relentless retaliatory actions by Israel in the Gaza Strip and beyond. The desperate humanitarian situation in Gaza and the involvement of other regional and international actors in the hostilities threatened to lead the region to a major conflagration with potential global consequences. How can the situation be de-escalated, the lives of civilians respected, destruction halted and the two-state solution implemented?
A RAFT FOR THE FUTURE: Can the Pact for the Future Deliver the Multilateral Titanic?
24 October, 2024 | Zoom
On 22 September 2024, the United Nations adopted the Pact for the Future at the Summit of the Future (SOTF) in New York. The Pact is a comprehensive document covering varied issues from Peace and Security, Development and Finance, Science and the Global Digital Compact, to Youth and the Declaration on Future Generations, and Strengthening the UN.
For this online event, FOGGS convened representatives of global think tanks, civil society, academic institutions, diplomatic missions to the UN and foreign ministries, as well as the broader interested public, for a discussion on the Pact for the Future and next steps for strengthening global governance.
Running out of Diplomats? A discussion on the changing nature of diplomacy and the staffing challenges of the diplomatic sector
24 April, 2024 | Zoom
A discussion on the changing nature of diplomacy and the staffing challenges of the diplomatic sector.
Zero Draft on the Future of Global Governance
1 March, 2024 | Zoom
An initiative of the Global South Perspectives Network, this online Zoom event included two panel discussions on “Global Governance and the Future of Humanity”, and “Zero Draft of the Pact for the Future”.
A report on the event, prepared by Inclusive Society Institute can be found here: https://www.foggs.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024.04.10-REFLECTIONS-ON-THE-ZERO-DRAFT-OF-THE-PACT-FOR-THE-FUTURE.pdf
Strengthening Democracy through education: Conceptual and Practical Perspectives
27-28 February, 2024 | Tallinn University
Conference Agenda – https://www.foggs.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/DEMOCRAT_Tallin-Conference-Agenda-27-28-Feb-2024.pdf
Emerging Global Geopolitics and the United Nations
24 October has been globally designated as UN Day, in commemoration of the entering into force of the UN Charter and thus the official establishment of the United Nations Organization on 24 October 1945.
A lot has happened since then in the world, and the UN has had to adjust its institutions, polices and practices in order to weather various storms. It has survived but its age is showing at a time when it is most needed, with numerous old and new challenges threatening the well-being of humanity, from wars to climate change and pandemics. What role can the UN actually play under the current circumstances, and what further adjustments could it realistically make to remain relevant for the years to come?
The above was discussed among a number of experienced former staff members of the UN and associated agencies of the broader UN system, collectively known as the Peacemaking Reflection Group (PRG – see https://www.foggs.org/prg), a network supported by FOGGS.
The Zaporizhzhia Case Webinar
For the first time in history, a nuclear power plant became a military objective during a war. This also highlights the lack of a ratified global agreement or treaty on non-aggression to nuclear facilities, or of another type, whose destruction entails a great impact on the population. Watch the presentation by nuclear expert Dr Alejandro Zurita and the subsequent discussion organized by FOGGS on 25 September 2023 on behalf of the Peacemaking Reflection Group (PRG) of former UN system staff. Dr Zurita’s PowerPoint presentation can be found at www.foggs.org/prg and his paper on the subject here – https://www.foggs.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/The-Zaporizhzhia-Case-FOGGS-Papers-2023.pdf
Inclusive Global Governance for a Peaceful and Resilient World
FOGGS, along with other partners hosted a full-day event titled “Inclusive Global Governance for a Peaceful and Resilient World” on 15 September 2023 in New York. The event was held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly’s high-level segment and in view of a number of summits taking place during that period at UN Headquarters in New York. The Programme and other details including the video recording can be found here.
The event included the launch of two reports: Global South Perspectives on Global Governance Reform and An Enhanced Role for the UN in Peace & Human Security.
The UN and Global Resilience
On the occasion of UN Day 2022, FOGGS proposed a different kind of discussion on the future of our world with the perspective of youth groups and specialists on global governance and the UN. Press play and listen to their contributions and views. What do people from around the world, especially the youth, think?
The UN Charter 77 years later
On 26 June 1945 the Charter of the United Nations was signed by representatives of 51 countries in San Francisco, USA. It carried the promise of a better managed world after the destruction of World War II. The Charter provides for the structure and functioning of the United Nations and associated institutions, with provisions that may or may not be useful at this stage, like the veto power for the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. At the same time, the Charter sets as ultimate goal to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, an aspiration that remains valid but obviously not so well served. What is the significance of the UN Charter today and can it be amended to respond to the challenges of our times and to fulfil the needs and aspirations of the youth and of future generations?
Gaming for a Better World
Today, over 3 billion people worldwide play video games, which span a hugely diverse range of form and content, with the industry generating more than US$ 180 billion a year in global revenues – about seven times as much as the global music industry. FOGGS hosted a virtual panel discussion titled ‘Gaming for a Better World’ on Wednesday, 29 June. In this panel discussion with leading figures in the video game industry and a peacebuilding specialist, we explored the different types of narratives coming out of the gaming world and their current and potential impact on societies. In particular, we discussed whether and how story telling through video games can contribute toward building a more peaceful, inclusive and sustainable world.
Time to Rethink the UN
Public webinar co-organized by the Global Governance Forum (GGF) and the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) on 24 March 2022, moderated by Nik Gowing, former BBC presenter
Enterprising Education for Fit for Future Results
Why an entrepreneurial spirit is important when re-imagining education to cater for a sustainable future? How can experiences during the pandemic response school closures support this. In this recording of the pleanary session of the Enterprising education for fit-for future results workshop held as part of the #LearningPlanet Festival on 26 January 2022, Veerle Vandeweerd and Georgios Kostakos introduce the COVIDEA approach, and Eszter Salamon provides a ParENTrepreneurial approach to make it a reality with parents as equal partners in renewing edcuation.
Floods. Wildfires. Pandemics… Is it time to call in the troops?
In the context of The M4CE Project, the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) hosted an online discussion on the role of the “Militaries in responding to Civilian Emergencies (M4CE)”, on Tuesday, 23 November 2021.
At FOGGS we appreciate the role that military personnel and equipment can play and have already been playing in areas struck by calamities ranging from pandemics, like the current COVID-19 one, to floods, wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, industrial accidents, and oil spills. We believe that this role has to be highlighted for policymakers and the public and can be further improved on the basis of best practices that need to be collected and shared broadly.
Invited experts from various countries and organisations discussed questions related to the legal framework and modalities of civilian-military cooperation in responding to non-military emergencies, command and control issues, budgets and training, cross-border support and coordination, among other things.
Reviewing “Our Common Agenda” for a Resilient World
On the occasion of UN Day 2021, FOGGS organised an online discussion on the future of the United Nations on the basis of the ‘Our Common Agenda’ report by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The event included an appraisal of the global governance proposals put forward in the Secretary-General’s report by FOGGS Executive Board member Harris Gleckman, on the basis of a Background Paper that can be found here. It was followed by a discussion among FOGGS Executive Board members and guest experts moderated by FOGGS Executive Director Georgios Kostakos.
Implementing the SDGs in India
Statistical indicators cannot bring about sustainable development, unless they are tied to the social context, with existing welfare and rural development schemes brought together under one reference framework. To discuss this and other findings of the recently published report entitled “Implementing the SDGs in India: Poverty, Hunger and Gender”, the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) convened a virtual panel discussion.
Assessing President Biden’s Climate Summit: Is the dial moving closer to 1.5°C?
The Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) invites you to a discussion on the outcomes of US President Biden’s “Leaders Summit on Climate” that was held online on 22-23 April 2021 and the implications flowing from it for achieving the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement and ensuring UNFCCC COP 26 (Glasgow, November 2021) marks a step change in addressing the climate emergency.
Historia de amor y odio – Las narrativas que dan forma a nuestro presente y futuro
En estos tiempos de enormes cambios y de mucha incertidumbre, ¿Cuáles son las historias que nos contamos para dar sentido a nuestras vidas? ¿A nuestras sociedades? ¿Al mundo? ¿A quiénes nos hacen amar – u odiar? ¿Qué impacto tienen en las decisiones políticas? ¿En qué direcciones nos llevan estas historias? ¿Es posible cambiar de historia – y de camino?
We the People of the UN: Myths versus Reality
On 24 October, 2020, we co-hosted an event with the Dias to explore the hidden world of the UN and the people who work there. We invited staffers who work everyday in the UN system to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives to reveal the realities of life working for the UN and other related global organizations.
The panel consisted of:
-Ari Gaitanis, UNSOS/UNSOM, Mogadishu, Chief Strategic Communication
-Gemma Vestal, WHO, Geneva, Ex-General Secretary, FICSA.
-Leila Manly-Spain, United Nations Field Staff Union, Narobi, Vice President
-Rajesh Mehta, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia, Delhi. Regional Coordinator, FICSA.
-Tanya Quinn-Maguire, UN AIDS, Geneva, President, FICSA.
-Veronique Allain, CBD, Montreal, Executive Board member, Field Portfolio, FICSA
For the Betterment of the World: Different Perspectives on Moving Forward
Organised on the UN Day 2020, “For the Betterment of the World: Different Perspectives on Moving Forward” was a discussion of global issues with distinguished experts from industry, civil society and the arts as part of advancing the UN75+25 Alliance recently launched with a view to establishing an intergenerational, cross-border global movement for a better UN and a better world in the next 25 years.
Online debate A new Narrative of Hope and a Global Resilience Council for UN75+25
Out-of-the-box ideas for the future of the United Nations debated with experts and your participation through Q&A.
21 September, A Model UN for a Model World UN75+25 Alliance
Millions of young people around the world have been participating in “Model UN” sessions over the years, trying to simulate negotiations in the world forum, educate themselves about global issues and processes, and instil youthful energy and potential solutions to often age-old problems. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the UN on the day world leaders are scheduled to do so, 21 September 2020, and with it observe the International Day of Peace also falling on the same day, this event brought together aspiring young people with seasoned diplomats and international civil servants in a lively discussion about the model UN we need in order to get the model / better world we want. It was a moment of co-creation of the UN75 experienced generation with the UN75+25 upcoming generation, united in human solidarity and hope, creative energy and positive ambition.
Webinar on “A guaranteed income for all”
COVID-19 has been a shock for countries and people all around the world. It has shown how unprepared health systems and governments are to deal with large-scale emergencies, how easily borders can be closed again and travel come to a halt, how fragile our economies and how insecure our jobs are. How can we make the future more secure for all, more resilient and more attuned to what really matters to people, to us? We at Katoikos, the online magazine and community building project of the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS), have come up with a list of ten elements that should be included in recovery plans, and we made the #Engage4Better petition out of them (www.change.org/engage4better).
Watch this webinar as we discuss the need of a guaranteed income for all with FOGGS Advisory Board member Yoriko Yasukawa, Associate Researcher at the Institut d’études européennes (IEE), Université libre de Bruxelles, and Political Advisor of the Member of European Parliament Philippe Lamberts Dr François Denuit, Associate Researcher at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society at the University of Minho Mr Jorge Pinto, and Chair at Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE) and PhD candidate at University of Barcelona and the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) Ms Leire Rincon on Tuesday, 30 June 2020.
Webinar on #Engage4Better petition – petition for a better world post COVID-19
COVID-19 has been a shock for countries and people all around the world. It has shown how unprepared health systems and governments are to deal with large-scale emergencies, how easily borders can be closed again and travel come to a halt, how fragile our economies and how insecure our jobs are. How can we make the future more secure for all, more resilient and more attuned to what really matters to people, to us? We at Katoikos, the online magazine and community building project of the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS), have come up with a list of ten elements that should be included in recovery plans, and we made the #Engage4Better petition out of them (www.change.org/engage4better).
Watch this webinar as we discuss the #Engage4Better petition points with FOGGS President Richard Kinley, Advisory Board member Yoriko Yasukawa, Executive Director Georgios Kostakos and Katoikos Managing Editor Dominikos K. Chrysidis on Wednesday, 13 May 2020.