Global diplomacy and cooperation in pandemic times: Lessons and recommendations from COVID-19. A Global Health Diplomacy and Cooperation report, December 2021. New York, NY: The Lancet COVID-19 Commission (accessed 21 January 2022)
“We recommend that an institutional mechanism such as a UN Global Resilience Council be considered to deal with such “soft” or “human” security threats. This body could function at the level of heads of state or government to meaningfully create whole-of-government approaches to these complex challenges. This is the only level at which action can be taken across all sectors to confront today’s interconnected global risks.”
Improving Responses to Global Shocks – Recommendations for the “Our Common Agenda” process, Global Governance Spotlight 4/2021 (December 2021). Bonn: The Development and Peace Foundation (SEF) (accessed 5 January 2022)
The GRC is presented as one alternative to the Emergency Platform proposed by UN Secretary-General in Our Common Agenda.
Towards a Global Environment Agency Effective Governance for Shared Ecological Risks, November 2021. Stockholm: Global Challenges Foundation. (accessed 5 January 2022)
“In this report, we summarize the most significant proposals for the reform of UNEP, proposals to upgrade UNEP to a World Environment Organization or even to combine it with UNDP. … Some proposals concern the World Trade Organization, UN institutions like the Trusteeship Council or the Security Council, or a new Global Resilience Council”.
Interview with Georgios Kostakos on the Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow. Athens Voice, 3 November 2021 (accessed 5 January 2022)
“…the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) [proposes] to create a Global Resilience Council. … The current Security Council is limited by the UN Charter to managing issues of international peace and security, so it has neither the expertise nor the legitimacy to deal with issues that are equally, if not more important to human security and well-being today, such as the climate crisis, the coronavirus crisis, the food crisis and water problems.” (original in Greek)
FOGGS Executive Director Georgios Kostakos at the New Shape Forum. Global Challenges Foundation, in Stockholm and online, October 2021 (accessed 5 January 2022)
This is a brief presentation by the Executive Director of FOGGS, Georgios Kostakos, of the Foundation’s proposal to establish a Global Resilience Council.
Governing Our Climate Future. Interim Report of The Climate Governance Commission, October 2021. Stockholm: Global Challenges Foundation. (accessed 5 January 2022)
“Georgios Kostakos and Harris Gleckman propose the establishment of a Global Resilience Council, as a new coordinating and rapid response international “Security Council” for non- military global risks, like climate change and pandemics. Such a body could be established by the international community in the nearer-term.”
Fulfilling the UN75 Declaration’s Promise: An Expert Series’ Synthesis of Major Insights and Recommendations. Club de Madrid, June 2021 (accessed 5 January 2022)
Fulfilling the UN75 Declaration Expert Series Readout #2: Discussion on taking forward the UN75 Declaration commitments #2 We will protect our planet. Washington, DC: The Stimson Center, April 2021 (accessed 5 January 2022)
“Create a Global Resilience Council to bring global climate governance together with wider sustainable development efforts, outside of the UNFCCC framework. Similar to the Security Council, a new “Resilience Council” mechanism could be useful for discussing non-military threats and promoting conversations on issues critical to advancing progress across the UN agenda.”
Reform options for effective UN sustainable development governance, Policy paper, 01.03.2021. Berlin: German Council for Sustainable Development. (Reformoptionen für eine effektive UN-Nachhaltigkeits-governance. Politikpapier 25.02.2021) (both accessed 5 January 2022)
More recently, in the context of the pandemic, an initiative has proposed establishing an inter-governmental UN Global Resilience Council, with a mandate to identify and address global non-military threats and crises at an early stage, with scientific advice, decision- making power and enforcement tools.
Global Governance Resources: Resources from Civil Society: Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability. Website by Baháʼí International Community, New York, NY, 2021 (accessed 5 January 2022)
“Subsequent to a series of reports and online brainstorming sessions on the UN system’s performance among diverse global governance experts and practitioners, this report highlights some of the main points to take forward the idea of a Global Resilience Council, a body capable of ensuring human resilience and planetary stability across UN agencies, governments, and the economy.”
A new Narrative of Hope and a Global Resilience Council for UN75+25. Public Lecture by FOGGS 25 September 2020. Ms Albena Azmanova, Associate Professor (Reader) in Political and Social Theory, University of Kent (accessed 5 January 2022)
“Out-of-the-box ideas for the future of the United Nations debated with experts and your participation through Q&A.”
Climate Governance Commission website, Global Governance Forum Inc. (accessed 5 January 2022)
“There is still a deficit in governance mechanisms at a global level that can reliably and effectively promote the implementation of exponential climate policies and the achievement of collective climate targets. … Looking at different types of global governance solutions according to the Commission’s explorations to date there may be several ways forward, for example… a new Global Resilience Council”.